New! Episode 47: Driving Under the Influence Treatment Court

Description: Discussion on the Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Treatment Court – including the goals, criteria and eligibility, program treatments and requirements, the collaborative process, successes and story of program graduate. Guest are Judge Lawrence Brown, Deputy District Attorney Judith Mummert, Assistant Public Defender Maegan Gannon and, program graduate Alberto.

Show Notes: The discussion starts with Judge Brown giving background on the Driving Under the Influence Treatment Court (DUITC) and the court’s goals.

Deputy DA Mummert and Assistant PD Gannon then explain the DUITC in general – when it started in Sacramento County, eligibility requirements, about the program – participating agencies/organizations, treatment services, requirements, completion.

The group talks about the collaborative process of the court and how they work together behind the scenes as well as in the courtroom. They also address overcoming challenges and working through disagreements.

Stats are provided on number of Sacramento County graduates as well as national stats on the success of DUITC. Deputy DA Mummert and Assistant PD Gannon describe the diverse participants accepted into the DUITC program that are reflective of the Sacramento community.

The group talks about how they feel about being a part of the specialized court, why they believe it’s successful and the importance of continuing the DUITC in this county.

Program graduate, Alberto, then shares his story and what led him to DUITC. Alberto talks about his experience in the program, how it helped him and how he is doing today.

The episode ends with closing thoughts from the group on the importance of DUITC and Alberto’s successful completion of the program and turning his life around.


Sacramento County Collaborative Courts – DUI Treatment Court

DUI Treatment Court Statistics

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Tags – Justice Journal Podcast, Driving Under the Influence, Collaborative Courts, DUI Treatment Court, recidivism, repeat offenders, OTS, Office of Traffic Safety, NHTSA, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Sacramento County Superior Court