Episode 44: Hate Crimes Against The Asian American Pacific Islander Community
Description: Discussion on the rise of hate crimes/hate incidents against the Asian American Pacific Islander community, the impact on victims and the community at large, and what is being done to address this type of hate in the Sacramento community. Guests are California Assemblyman Jim Cooper, Executive Director of Asian Resources Inc. and Councilwoman Stephanie Nguyen and Assistant Chief Deputy DA Thienvu Ho.
Show Notes: DA Anne Marie Schubert introduces the podcast and the importance of the topic. Guests introduce themselves by providing personal/professional background information and their current roles.
Assistant Chief Thien Ho explains what a hate crime is and is not under the penal code, and the difference between a hate crime and hate incident. He goes on to talk about the Hate Crimes Unit and what types of hate crimes are filed as a felony or misdemeanor. He then explains the hate crimes case numbers have not increased in Sacramento, but that is most certainly due to significant under-reporting.
Assemblyman Jim Cooper and Executive Director/Councilwoman Stephanie Nguyen talk about the reported numbers not being accurate and the problem of under-reporting in the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community – especially among the immigrant/refugee population. They go on to share what they are hearing from the AAPI community. They are very fearful. They are afraid to leave their houses to go shopping or be out too late. They talk about how it’s impacting the larger community, including AAPI owned businesses.
The group shares their experience with the non-AAPI community showing support and standing with the AAPI community – offering hope that something good will come out of the hate and better things are to come out of this dark time.
The group agrees part of the solution to ending hate crimes is to have stronger consequences for committing these crimes. Assemblyman Cooper talks about a bill (AB 266) he is putting forth which will strengthen and increase penalties for some hate crimes.
Executive Director/Councilwoman Stephanie Nguyen talks about how Asian Resources is working to protect and assist members of the AAPI community and what assistance they can provide.
The discussion ends with what needs to be done to end hate crimes. They agree that hate crimes must first be reported and aggressively prosecuted with significant consequences to deter others from committing hate crimes. There also needs to be more community outreach and education on the issue to let people know how to report suspected hate crimes, the importance of reporting as well as services and resources available to them.
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Tags – Justice Journal Podcast, District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert, Assemblyman Jim Cooper, Executive Director Asian Resources Inc. Stephanie Nguyen, Councilwoman Stephanie Nguyen, Assistant Chief Deputy District Attorney Thienvu Ho, Hate Crimes, Asian American Pacific Islander, AAPI, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Hate Incidents