Justice, Training & Integrity UnitSteve2021-09-07T22:54:14-08:00
Justice, Training & Integrity Unit
The Justice, Training and Integrity (JTI) Unit is dedicated to ensuring our pursuit of justice is carried out with the highest level of integrity. JTI provides deputies with ethical and practical training and advice, institutes discovery safeguards, disseminates legal updates, evaluates and responds to allegations of prosecutorial misconduct, consults on office policies and develops protocols, reviews post-conviction requests for scientific testing, and closely examines claims of wrongful conviction.
To submit a Request for Conviction Review, make certain the claim meets the criteria outlined on the form, provide the information requested and send by US mail or email to:
Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office
Justice, Training and Integrity Unit
901 G Street
Sacramento, CA 95814 daoffice@sacda.org