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Defendant Sentenced for DUI-Involved Murder of Bicyclist on American River Bike Path

DATE: June 9, 2023 CASE: Armando Moreno-Rodriguez (Case #21FE012664) PROSECUTOR: Deputy District Attorney Andrea Morris The Honorable Allen Sumner sentenced Armando Moreno-Rodriguez to 16 years to life in prison.  On March 20, 2023, a jury convicted Moreno-Rodriguez of the second-degree murder of Michael Dodson, gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, hit and run, and driving [...]

2023-06-09T12:59:57-08:00Categories: Press Releases|

Defendant Convicted for DUI-Involved Murder of Bicyclist on American River Bike Path

Date: March 21, 2023 Case: Armando Moreno-Rodriguez (Case #21FE012664) PROSECUTOR: Deputy District Attorney Andrea Morris On March 20, 2023, Armando Moreno-Rodriguez was convicted by a jury of the second-degree murder of Michael Dodson, gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, hit and run, and driving on a suspended license. Moreno-Rodriguez had three prior misdemeanor convictions for [...]

2023-03-23T14:13:52-08:00Categories: Press Releases|

Parole Board Affirms Its Decision to Grant Early Parole and Release of Freeway Shooter Kyle Frank

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s Board of Parole Hearings granted parole to inmate Kyle Douglas Frank (CDCR #AH1177) on April 10, 2024, after serving only 14 years of his 90-year prison sentence. In response to the Parole Board’s decision, the District Attorney’s Office submitted a letter to the Governor requesting him to intervene [...]

2024-08-22T11:32:07-08:00Categories: Press Releases|

District Attorney Thien Ho Alerts the Public to Violent Inmate Released on Parole

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s Board of Parole Hearings granted parole to inmate Kyle Douglas Frank (CDCR #AH1177) on April 10, 2024, after serving only 14 years of his 90-year prison sentence. District Attorney Thien Ho is alerting the public to this violent inmate’s early release into the community. Frank committed four [...]

2024-04-24T07:28:38-08:00Categories: Press Releases|

Episode 44

Episode 44: Hate Crimes Against The Asian American Pacific Islander Community Description: Discussion on the rise of hate crimes/hate incidents against the Asian American Pacific Islander community, the impact on victims and the community at large, and what is being done to address this type of hate in the Sacramento community.  Guests are California Assemblyman [...]


Hate Crimes FAQs

Main Page Message from your DA Report A Hate Crime Victim Services What is a hate crime? A hate crime is any offense committed against you or your property because of your race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, disability, gender or sexual orientation. Anybody can be a victim. White, heterosexual males can be [...]


Message from your DA

Hate Crimes FAQs Main Page Report A Hate Crime Victim Services Hate crimes against one member of our community are an assault against all of us.  Those who target victims because of their race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, disability, gender or sexual orientation will be aggressively prosecuted.  The Sacramento District Attorney’s Office [...]


Hate Crimes Unit

Message from your DA Hate Crimes FAQs Report A Hate Crime Call 911 in an emergency. If this not an emergency, please contact your local law enforcement agency and properly report the crime. Sacramento Police Department: 916-808-5471 Sacramento Sheriff: 916-874-5115 Folsom Police Department:  916-355-7230 Elk Grove Police Department:  916-478-8000 Citrus Heights Police Department: [...]

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