Defendants Sentenced for Murder and Abuse of 22-Month-Old Victims
DATE: October 11, 2019
CASE: Taylor Montgomery-Gutzman & Rebecca Thomas (Case #16FE022095)
PROSECUTOR: Supervising Deputy DistrictAttorney Chris Ore, Special Assault & Child Abuse Unit
The Honorable Allen Sumner sentenced Taylor Montgomery-Gutzman to 31 years to life in prison. Rebecca Thomas had been previously sentenced 25 years to life in prison. On May 3, 2019, a jury convicted Taylor Montgomery-Gutzman and Rebecca Thomas of the second-degree murder of 22-month-old Kash Thomas, and felony child abuse involving Kash’s 22-month-old twin brother. Montgomery-Gutzman was also found guilty of assault on a child causing death.
On October 13, 2016, Taylor Montgomery-Gutzman strangled Kash Thomas to death. Rebecca Thomas, the children’s mother, had seen injuries on her children prior to the murder, but nonetheless left the 22-month-old twins in Montgomery-Gutzman’s care. Thomas had been told to seek medical attention for both children, but she failed to do so.